About Me

Emily W. Locke is a Group Facilitator at an eating disorder treatment program, a writer, mental health advocate, and an aspiring author. She has personal experience with eating disorders, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and major depressive disorder. She has learned that living with mental illnesses is a journey full of challenges that requires an immense amount of strength and resilience. Through her experiences, she developed a passion for writing about mental illnesses to raise awareness, decrease stigma, and to both help and inspire others.

She has a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a concentration in Creative Writing. Emily plans to begin Graduate School in the near future to work towards becoming a Licensed Therapist. She has written several guest blogger articles for the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). Her writing has also been featured on Women You Should Know’s website and she was part of a Major Depressive Disorder awareness collaboration with Healthline.

If you would like to read more about my personal experiences with mental illnesses please view this blog post – Who Am I?